Among the best known male enhancement pills with a formula that's highly appreciated by millions of users across the world, Virility pills is set to change the way you use your energy into more successful purposes and better results. Based on a herbal formula, it will provide the maximum strength for men and longer, much intense erections. This products is the perfect solution for a longer, fuller penis and bigger penis as well as better sexual activity. A product which is easy to administrate and which will answer to all your questions regarding the men virility and sexual enhancement. |
Short description
Among the best known male enhancement pills with a formula that's highly appreciated by millions of users across the world, Virility pills is set to change the way you use your energy into more successful purposes and better results. Based on a herbal formula, it will provide the maximum strength for men and longer, much intense erections. This products is the perfect solution for a longer, fuller penis and bigger penis as well as better sexual activity. A product which is easy to administrate and which will answer to all your questions regarding the men virility and sexual enhancement.
Common use
Highly recommended by doctors due to its complete formula of herbal compounds, the Virility pills are commonly used by men to treat or improve their erectile problems caused by a various number of factors such as: stress, age, natural causes, etc.
Full of natural libido enhancers and aphrodisiacs which are known to improve the sexual performance for ages, these pills will offer the best results in a very short period of time. A natural male enhancement supplement which helps men to better improve their sexual performances by increasing the size of their penis, providing them longer erections and better results in bed.
Dosage and directions
Before starting to take Virility pills on a daily basis, always make sure you have your doctor's permission and recommendation to do so. It's common for many patients to simply take these pills by their own will, without a firm recommendation from a specialized doctor. Such actions may lead to unwanted side effects which can be easily over passed if the user seeks medical prescription and care ahead of taking the pills. The normal dose for a normal person, is one capsule for three times a day. Best to take them during your meals or after. It's always best to stick to this average dosage unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
Keep in mind that a professional advice from your doctor is the best solution to find out whether Virility pills suit your needs or not. In some cases, mainly on persons suffering from diabetes or kidney conditions, taking this type of male enhancement pills can produce some side effects. Although a herbal based product, it may not be suitable for all persons.
Such type of male enhancement product is not to be administrated by women, especially pregnant women and should under no circumstances be used by children younger than 15 years old.Although mostly natural with highly effective herbal compounds, it can provide serious heart problems is used by persons with such conditions.
Possible side effects
There are little known side effects for Virility pills due to their herbal nature which offers a natural remedy for the erectile problems. However, in some cases, less than 5% of users, short nausea, vomiting or head aches occurred for limited periods of time.
Missed Dose
A missed dose does not mean the user should take a double dose with with the next period that comes in a day. If you miss a dose, simply skip and wait for the next period to come and continue taking it as normal. For persons with no erectile dysfunction but with problems in having a proper erection, missed does does not apply as they can administrate such pills only when needed.
In case of an over dose, seek medical attention right away and try to lower the risk of a liver intoxication by drinking fluids.
Keep the product in its original box, always kept away from the reach of children or animals. Store it in cool and dry places, away from extreme heat or humidity.
All products presented at this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Don't hesitate to consult your health care practitioner before taking any herbal supplement.